Saturday, October 2, 2010

Officially Break Off..???

hai my love...
y me have 2 suffer like dis...??????
i'm jz need time n nOt officially break off...
me give him a change but he still refused..
n den y he must make da decisiOn like dat..
i'm never stOp crying after receive dat text...
n i really mish him 4 ever n ever..
me xpnh tdetik even ckit pn nk maki2 kmu@bnci kmu...
cm kmu bnci me skUnk...
da text dat he send 2 me..

( da xthan la ngn ko ni..mampos sme ko..
jgn hrap ko nk cri aku lg...
bleh g brambus la ko ngn prangai ko 2...
if dlu scandal2 ko n bf kesayangn ko 2 bleh lyan, 
2 dyorg...bkan aku..mntk maap la byk2..time kasih untuk sgale nye...
aku doa kan ko bhagia..ko xpyah sbuk2 psal aku da..
aku nk mampos ke, aku nk rosak ke, 2 aku pnye psal..
ko ske kan..da2..aku mls ckap bnyk ngn org cam ko..xde gne nye..
so, officially kte break off..slamat maju jaya..
smoga jmpe org y sesuai ngn ko..selamat..!!! )

For the rest of my life,I`ll be with you,

I`ll stay by your side honest and true,

Till the end of my time,

I`ll be loving you.loving you

For the rest of my life,Thru days and night,

I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes

Now and forever I...I`ll be there for you..

 i >3 you Mohd Suffian rAmli..


  1. taak kan la begini...bincang la bebaik...sedey sy tgk...

  2. hurm...nk bincg cne ag..??
    dye yg decide evrythng...
    redha jw lh an..
    wanie jge r/ship btween wanie n fais kay...
